The primary characteristic of Poker is bluffing. This is what separates the game from other games that feature poker hand rankings and vying for position. The first player to make a bet has the privilege or obligation to make that bet. Then, each player must put chips into the pot equal to the contributions of all players before him. Those who are able to place chips into the pot before the dealer are known as active players.
Players who are not yet experienced in this card game may start by betting the ante. The ante is the amount of money a player contributes to the pot before the game begins. The first player to make a bet is said to “bet.” After the ante, he or she may make a bet in the middle of the table. Then, every other player in the game may call, raise, or fold. The betting continues until everyone has folded or called.
In most versions of Poker, each player must contribute a chip. This chip, called the ante, gives the pot value right away. Alternatively, the player may make an all-in bet, placing all of his or her chips into the pot. However, if there are more than ten players, two separate games may be organized. However, the best way to play Poker is to try out as many different variations as possible. For a night out with your friends or family, strip poker may be a good choice.