How Casinos Trick Visitors Into Spending More Money

Whether it’s the neon lights, pounding beats, or flashing buttons on slot machines, casinos use sounds and visuals to create an environment that is at once welcoming and hard to walk away from. They know that when people feel good, they will spend more money.

Humans are wired for escapism. Hobbies like casino games, movies, TV shows, and even reading help us escape the pressures of daily life by triggering the brain to release feel-good chemicals. And they make us happy by providing a temporary sense of accomplishment or elation, especially when we win.

But the truth is, casino wins are rare – and losses are even more common. So how do casinos trick otherwise rational people, who work hard for their money and make reasoned financial decisions on a regular basis, into throwing hundreds or thousands of dollars away based on the roll of the dice or spin of the wheel?

In order to manipulate the sunk cost fallacy and keep customers gambling, many casinos hide clocks from view or use ceilings that mimic the daytime sky. They also employ the art of manufactured bliss, wafting scented oils throughout their ventilation systems to create an overall pleasant experience and a sense of calm.

In addition, they offer comps to “good” players, rewarding them with free food, hotel rooms, show tickets, limo service and airline flights. By combining these tactics with other marketing strategies, casinos can attract and retain visitors.